Gaming for One: Designing Solo Modes with David Digby

Gaming for One: Designing Solo Modes with David Digby

David Digby is a game designer out of England. He has 1 published solo design in Chocolate Factory and 2 fan-made designs on BGG for Concordia and Reavers of Midgard. He’s a developer behind Tinner’s Trail (a Martin Wallace reprint). He’s designed plenty more that’s...
Q&A / AMA with Zev Shlasinger of WizKids

Q&A / AMA with Zev Shlasinger of WizKids

Had a great time chatting with Zev Shlasinger, the Head of Board Game Operations of WizKids and the ‘Z’ behind Z-Man Games. He joined us for a Q&A / AMA (Redditspeak for Ask Me Anything) session, where he answered a ton of questions relating to publishing. Or...
Nick Gaston’s Tabletop Simulator Scripting talk

Nick Gaston’s Tabletop Simulator Scripting talk

Or watch at Had a great time with this one! This workshop covering scripting in Tabletop Simulator was recorded by Nick Gaston on 26 July 2020 and presented in the Virtual Playtesting Discord server. Go...