Virtual Playtesting is a Discord group for playtesting tabletop games virtually.

We meet on Mondays and Thursdays starting at 6pm UK time / 1pm Eastern / 10am Pacific and play as long as people are here. This is usually 2-4 hours, and new games start when there are enough players in the lobby. Each event goes for as long as players are around — drop in when you’re free and leave whenever you need to! There’s no set end time, so as long as people have games to play, game on! All are welcome, no matter where you are in the world, and you don’t have to be there at the start to join in the festivities.

VPT Wednesdays meets every Wednesday starting at 7pm UK time / 2pm Eastern / 11am Pacific, and is specifically for longer / heavier games (think Wingspan or heavier) that are played to completion. See the #vpt-wednesday channel for all the details.

As of November 2024, we also meet on the second and fourth Sunday of the month starting at 3pm UK time / 10am Eastern time.

If you’re a game designer, or if you enjoy playtesting games, join us, or check out the Facebook group. All of the actual playtesting happens in the Discord server.

You are always welcome to join a voice chat in the #lobby voice channel, ask questions in the #ask-questions channel, or text chat in the #general channel.

Logo credit: one of our members – thanks issa#4605!